- Karma Yoga:
the path of Selfless Action
Karma Yoga is basically Acting, or carrying out one's responsibilities in life according to his/her dharma, or obligation, without worry of results – a kind of consistent penance of activity to the Supreme. It is activity managed without considered increase. One can't live on the planet without performing activities, and hence an appropriate attitude ought to be set up while doing these activities. Karma Yoga filters the heart by encouraging one to act magnanimously, without considered increase or prize. By disconnecting oneself from the products of one's activities and offering them up to God, one figures out how to sublimate the personality. This is the contrast between basically performing activities for individual gains, and performing activities without connection (vairagya) as a profound practice where all organic products are given to God. This is the most difficult of all ways as a large portion of us are appended to the products of our activities.
- Bhakti Yoga:
the path of Devotion This way requests especially to those of a passionate nature. Through petition, love, reciting and custom one acquiescences himself to God or object of confidence, diverting and changing his feelings into unqualified love and dedication. Consistent reflection of God or object of confidence step by step diminishes the self image of the specialist. Stifled feelings get delivered and the refinement of the internal identity happens. Gradually the specialist looses the self character and becomes one with God or the object of confidence, this is simply the state acknowledgment.
This way requests especially to those of a passionate nature. Through supplication, love, reciting and custom one acquiescences himself to God or object of confidence, directing and changing his feelings into unrestricted love and dedication. Nonstop reflection of God or object of confidence progressively diminishes the personality of the professional. Smothered feelings get delivered and the cleansing of the internal identity happens. Gradually the professional looses the self personality and becomes one with God or the object of confidence, this is simply the state acknowledgment.
- Jnana Yoga:
the path of Self Transcending Knowledge Jnana Yoga is a course of figuring out how to separate between what is genuine and what isn't, what is timeless and what isn't. Through a consistent headway in acknowledgment of the differentiation among Real and the Unreal, the Eternal and the Temporal, one forms into a Jnani. This is basically a way of information and segregation with respect to the distinction between the everlasting soul (atman) and the body.
Jnana Yoga is the method involved with changing over scholarly information into functional insight. Jnana in a real sense signifies 'information', yet with regards to yoga it implies the course of reflective mindfulness which prompts illuminative insight. It's anything but a strategy by which we attempt to discover levelheaded responses to timeless inquiries, rather it is a piece of reflection prompting self-enquiry and self-acknowledgment. Prior to rehearsing Jnana Yoga, the competitor needs to have incorporated the examples of the other yogic ways – for without magnanimity and love of God, strength of body and psyche, the quest for self-acknowledgment can become simple inactive hypothesis.